A Coastal Dune Lake Story - Eastern Lake

Jul 17, 2021

 I am continuing my series on "The Coastal Dune Lake Collection Stories". This week is Eastern Lake, which is a beautiful lake in Seagrove, FL with many private homes surrounding it. I actually got to stay in a home of a dear collector on Eastern Lake.  OK. Back up. I didn’t know that at first. Here's the story:

In November 2018, I was looking for a beach house to rent for Thanksgiving. We would be having a number of my son’s friends home from college, along with our family and friends and needed more room.  

Everything I liked online seemed to be booked. I continued to look for a couple days and then one popped up that seemed perfect. It wasn’t a beach house but was close to the beach, on Eastern Lake. I wrote to the owner to request the booking and she wrote back and said, “Is this my favorite artist? You’re in luck we just had a cancellation.”  It turned out the owner was one of my first oil painting collectors.  

Getting this house was just meant to be.  

We had a wonderful stay in her beautiful home with nightly fires in the pit, walks on the beach, spectacular sunsets and of course a big Thanksgiving meal. The collection painting was inspired by a sunset walk on the beach where a group of boys were skim boarding against the setting sun. As a momma of 2 boys, I particularly like this one :) There are a handful of smaller paintings in the collection and this is one of them. 12" x 12", oil on panel, framed. $550.

As a side note, the next year I painted the sunset off the dock of that same house, commissioned by my collector's sister-in-law, as a special, surprise present for her.  (There is also a wonderful story about a rooster painting she won in the elementary school art auction, but that is for another time)